The Internet is Always Open Established e-commerce business in the PPE and safety equipment market. Decades old with excellent ratings on amazon, ebay etc. Sales are through Amazon, E-bay, Etsy and the companies website. Decades old with excellent reviews leads to lots of repeat…
Decades old Texas based custom fishing rod business for sale. Sale includes all inventory, FFE and related. This business has a strong and growing relationship with Bass Pro shops and a solid Pro-Staff lineup. The business offers rods that are custom-built fishing rods designed f…
Established and Profitable Established midwifery & birthing center. The birthing center has been established for over a decade. The business is supported by an office manager and 3 on call birth assistants plus 2 unpaid student helpers. The business owns the real estate which…
Established Day Spa’s featuring resort like amenities. Membership model in-place establishes a strong baseline revenue. Current owner lives in Colorado and is remote/mostly absentee. This established business is being offered for about the cost of starting one new. If you like th…
Established Day Spa’s featuring resort like amenities. Membership model in-place establishes a strong baseline revenue. Current owner lives in Colorado and is remote/mostly absentee. This established business is being offered for about the cost of starting one new. If you like th…
One year old full and self service pet wash & boutique with grooming and related services. Over 200 monthly members and growing creating a solid baseline revenue! This business is a franchise so it’s a great way to be in business for yourself but not by yourself! The ideal ca…
Modern nail salon franchise with established staff and clientele. Membership model. Excellent location in a higher end Austin suburb. Strong revenue base from which to grow. Motivated sellers who are relocating. This business is being offered for less than the cost to start new….
Well established and profitable educational services franchise. Now is the perfect time to look into the education industry as a business opportunity. The industry is seeing tremendous growth as students must deal with increasing class sizes, shrinking school budgets, and standar…